October 2012
This was also a very active month in Photography for me. It started with the new Fujinon XF 60mm F2.4 R Macro lens and also a manual Flash and wireless trigger set I bought. I already had a softbox and lightstand + reflector so the basic setup for making portraits was there. I only did one session with my daughter and this is something I want to do more in 2013.
In this moth there was also The Kelby Worldwide Photowalk, the same I also joined last year in Kampen. Last year was a fun experience with Frank Doorhof, so this year I signed up for the walk in Amsterdam again with Frank. Because it was raining I didn't make that many pictures that stood out, but after the walk Mark and his girl had a appointment with a model the knew and asked me if I wanted to join them. We did a few natural light photoshoot with the model Gende, in the Kalverstraat and also on the Central Station. I used the FUJIFILM X-Pro1 with the JPG Black and White + Red filter setting and was pleased with the results.
On a nice sunday I joined a few people of the photoclub early in the morning and we went on a photowalk in the forest. That was great and I made some photos I am very pleased with. Something to do again in the spring.
Ink Mushroom
At the end of the month the project with Tom Beek started, so on a sunday Tom did a recording session in the old St. Vitus church in Hilversum. I shot a lot of photos, most in Black and White and Tom (and I also) was very pleased with the results. Also in this month we selected some photos for the album and a photo I took in 2009 was chosen by Tom for the cover of the album. It's very nice to see this CD now in my collection and also on iTunes. See more of the photos here: Bliss, day 1 and some behind the scene photos: Bliss, behind the scenes
November 2012
In the beginning of november there was a second recording day in a sound studio in Amsterdam, together with Udo Pannekeet on Bass and Mike Boddé on Piano. After the session in the studio Tom and I went for a portrait session to Utrecht. This day also resulted in some great photos that were used on the website, facebook and in the album artwork. See here more of the photos: Bliss, day 2
Concentrated Duo
December 2012
December was a slow photography month because of several reasons nothing to do with photography, but I always have my cameras with me so I did shoot some photos. I also started to find a better workflow with the RAW files of the FUJIFILM X-Pro1, using Lightroom and also the closed beta of Capture One.
Christmas Bokeh